2024 is a tough year for small businesses, their leaders and their HR Team. Layoffs, turmoil and negative news stories cause HR Compliance and Risk to heat up. 2025
is going to be worse!
The leaders in these businesses can become overwhelmed with Risk and HR Compliance. All leaders should ask this one question about any Risk they face:
Should I own this risk or should I transfer that risk to another enitity?
I have spent the last 14 years as the leader of an HR Firm and keeping up with the changing laws is nearly impossible. We have worked with over 2,000 businesses across the country over those years and building an effective, automatic, inexpensive HR Risk Assessment System was truly a life-saver for many of these companies.
This HR RISK ASSESSMENT SYSTEM is high-impact and low risk. I share this link with you so you can do your research.
Rick Maher