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Returning to Work in Office?

There is still a significant amount of uncertainty that surrounds returning to work, and it most certainly is going to vary from state to state. I think one thing that is going to remain constant however, is that employees and employers are going to be on edge when returning to the office in any capacity. Whether that be full-time, part-time or on a reduced schedule. So how as an employer, do we keep our employees safe, and ensure that as the employer we feel safe having employees return to the office, or even feel safe as a business owner having them continuing to work from home.

Keeping Employees Safe

For our employees to return to the office, they must feel that their health is not in jeopardy. Did you know that right now Heed Medical is providing on-site rapid covid testing and screening, along with antibody testing for your employees?

All testing is overseen by a board-certified internal medicine physician and carried out in a government approved testing laboratory. I think all employees would feel safer knowing that their co-workers have tested negative before entering the building. The testing will aid in the transition to remote to in office, hopefully to be received in a more positive light, with employer due diligence.

Keeping Your Business Safe

As our employees return, or don't return to work our policies and procedures as business owners will need to adapt. Are you sure your handbook and job descriptions are in line with new work at home procedures or returning to work social distancing policies? Many business owners may have let their HR employees go as positions required layoffs. As we start to return to work this position is imperative in order to protect the business from fines, fees and lawsuits that will most certainly arise. You may want to consider outsourcing your HR department in order to save money and ensure you have the utmost coverage and compliance in place.

Moving Forward

Understanding how your business is going to run moving forward is going to be a big challenge. Many of us thinking, "what if this happens again". The best advice is that you need to be prepared now with a solid foundation so that if this does happen again, you are prepared and can have your employees continue to work seamlessly. We have been hit with something that has never happened before and now is the time to strengthen our policies, procedures and operation techniques to ensure our businesses can function through any next wave of unprecedented times.

Let us know how we at TurningPoint HCM can help:

Join our Business Learning Series for free:

With Host: HR Specialists of Turning Point HCM

Join our Webinar Series!

Our presentations are bi-weekly to weekly!

It is completely free to join any of the webinars.

The format for each webinar is a 15- 20 minute presentation with a 10 minute Q&A session.


Each webinar is joined by an HR specialist or panelist whom will provide expertise and insight into human resources, new laws and policies, along with compliance.


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