#MeToo and Your Business

Allegations of sexual misconduct against politicians, celebrities and other public figures have become increasingly common in recent years. In fact, social movements and a strong public outcry have led to a marked increase in sexual harassment claims—claims that can be incredibly damaging for organizations themselves.
When these claims arise, organizations are expected to handle them quickly and tactfully, while respecting the weight of the situation and the wishes of the alleged victim. What’s more, alleged sexual misconduct, regardless of whether it is against an executive or employee, can result in a wide variety of claims against a company and lead to serious reputation damages.
There are many approaches to head this off and prevent this behavior from happening in your business. However, sometimes preventative measures such as training sessions with employees and good strong policies are not enough.
Another option to help protect your business is Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI).When it comes to protecting your organization against alleged sexual misconduct claims brought about by employees, EPLI insurance is often the best source of coverage. Specifically, EPLI insurance can provide protection for employment-related misconduct claims.
If you need help understanding how this may help your business, along with training and solid anti-harassment policies, give us a shout.
Rick Maher
Turning Point HCM