3 Types of HR Philosophies

We are fortunate that each day we get to talk to business owners and business leaders. All the time, whether they know it or not, they are talking, hinting and living their HR philosophy. Our job is to understand where they stand and how best to advise and execute their strategy. So here are the 3 philosophies we see every day.
1. "Keep Me In Compliance and Out of Jail HR" -This company wants only what is mandatory and necessary.
2. "Keeping Up With The Jones' HR"- If you don't do these things you will not be ahead of the curve.
3. "Keep Me Ahead of The Competition HR"- Proactive initiatives in companies that CHOOSE a compelling HR Strategy to drive profits.
We can help all three types and we believe it is important for business owners and leaders to identify their philosophy and implement tactics to support it.
Rick Maher
Turning Point HCM