#MeToo Prevention

It's in the news again. Everyday it seems we see sexual harassment, or worse, coming to light. It is in the news constantly, and I can't help but think about it. I find myself wondering...
1. When will people learn?
2. How can we get it to stop in the workplace?
3. Why do people do it?
WHO THE HECK KNOWS when people will stop with their bad (horrible, rotten, awful, bad) behavior. I certainly am not the authority, nor do I have a crystal ball to answer this question. I wish I did! I wish I had the solution to stop it once and for all!
Once thing I do know is that education and awareness are two of the very best ways for employers to protect their business and their employees.
My best recommendations:
1. Have your employee handbook reviewed and shared with employees. That second part might seem obvious, but you'd be surprised! If you need help reviewing your handbook, reach out to me!
2. Do harassment and discrimination training for all your people. By "do" -- I mean offer. And by offer, I mean bring in the right people, and make it mandatory, for everyone.
I would like to help you protect your company, and your employees! Reach out to me.
Rick Maher
Turning Point HCM