HR Challenges: How "Rented Hands" Can Help

This past week, I was talking to an H.R. leader for a $40,000,000 company. This person was talking about the make up of their team. As with most organizations, the H.R. department was understaffed. They had great people on their team, yet at certain times of the year the HR team was tasked with too many projects and not enough time.
During our discussion we began brainstorming and talking about how this situation can be handled to get the job done, as well as how to approach the leadership to ask for additional resources for short bits of specific time.
I shared the following with this H.R. Leader:
Most owners are not looking to add full-time expense to their business, but they do need to leverage H.R. expertise. Think about how they utilize their attorney or accountant. They may not want to add them to your staff, but need them at certain times. This is the same concept. You want:
[if !supportLists]1. [endif]The right human resource service
[if !supportLists]2. [endif]At the right time
[if !supportLists]3. [endif]At the right price
If you struggle, from time to time, with being understaffed or need to do a special project, the fractional model could work for you, your team and your leadership."
Rick Maher
Turning Point HCM