#1 Frustration of HR People

Through out the years, we have worked with hundreds of businesses and their HR teams to support their organizations. When we talk to the HR folks, it give us insight into their biggest concerns. This typically comes up at some point in each conversation. To boil it down to a simple explanation, it goes something like this:
Rick: What is the biggest challenge in your organization from an HR perspective?
HR Person: "My biggest frustration and what keeps me awake at night, is that I am on the management team but when there are strategic decisions being made, I seem to be the first person sitting outside the executive board room. I am excluded from the from the decision making process, yet when those executives come flying out of their board room with the new company initiatives, I get to own the process, as well as the outcome's success or failure. And I am expected to own it even though I had no input on the decision making process."
It's easy to find thousands of articles online about this problem. There are at least half as many studies done by professional organizations on how to remedy it. Yet, this problem still persists. Why?
We have worked with HR professionals directly to help them overcome these situations. They are easy to diagnose yet challenging to cure. How do you deal with this problem in your company?
Rick Maher CEO
TurningPoint HCM