Are You Compliant? Don't let wage and hour cost you.

Wage and hour law is a large body of law that sets and regulates a variety of wage standards in the United States. This includes laws concerning minimum wage, overtime, child labor, paid time off, and more. As you might imagine, there are lot of details within each of these laws. You can learn more about wage and labor here. It can be easy to over look the details, especially as each law changes. This is just one of the reasons why it is important to routinely do H.R.R Risk Assessments.
In January, the U.S. Department of Labor published a new set of increases in monetary penalties that employers can be fined violating the Fair Labor Standards Act, or FLSA. The FLSA is but one of many groups of laws that the U.S. Department of Labor enforces regarding wage and hour law. Many people do not realize that newest increase, effective immediately, permits the Department of Labor to fine an employer up to $1,964 per minimum wage and/or overtime violation. Per Violation! (And this is only one of the possible compliance and fine situations.) Further, an employer can be fined “per-person”, which means that you could be multiplying that fine by the number of employees that were paid unlawfully. That fine could quickly add up! Remember, that this fine is also in addition to the back wages you will owe your employees. As stated above, wage and labor laws routinely change and can be complex. It is important to routinely do assessments to be sure your company is in compliance. When was the last time your company conducted a thorough H.R. Risk Assessment? How certain are you that you're in compliance of all wage and hour laws? More importantly, is there any chance you're out of compliance? We can help!
If you would like information about our H.R. Risk Assessment, or to review our pricing and process, please see our website or give us a call.
Rick Maher CEO TurningPoint HCM