
Apr 25, 2022
Working Outside of Scheduled Hours
Can employers require employees to do extra work outside their scheduled hours? 

Apr 11, 2022
Can Employees Discuss Their Pay?
Can employers tell employees not to talk about their pay with each other?

Feb 14, 2022
Tracking Exempt Employees?
Can you require exempt, salaried employees to turn in time sheets?

Aug 22, 2018
A Massage Went Wrong
There has been some breaking news on a national massage chain and Sexual Misconduct accusations against some employees. Think about the...

Aug 18, 2018
Race Car...No Driver (HR)
Suppose you spent a ton of money on a race car and there was no one willing or able to drive it! You would be stuck with an expensive...

Aug 15, 2018
1099 Independent Contractor
There is a rise in actions against companies when it comes to 1099 Independent Contractor classification. Simply the government wants the...

Aug 14, 2018
Payroll Integration- "Hit the Beach"
We have been talking to many business leaders who are focused on driving efficiencies to their business. They are looking to use...

Aug 4, 2018
Risk Management- HR Style
Risk Management is most often associated with an insurance program. Think about your P&C or benefits broker, many times your insurance or...

Aug 1, 2018
Companies are Adding Employees
Private Payrolls are expanding rapidly. Most feel it is a sign of good things to come. However, this could cause some challenges in your...

Jul 19, 2018
Employment Practices Liability
Our advice is always rooted in the protection of you and your company because we are all in this together – if one of us fails to do the...