
Aug 8, 2022
Termination pay for the entire week?
If we terminate a salaried, exempt employee early in the week, do we have to pay them for the entire week?

Jun 29, 2022
To Raise or Not to Raise?
An employee emailed us saying that if we didn’t give them a raise, the email would serve as a resignation notice.
What do we need to do to

Apr 4, 2022
Forging Timesheets - What to do?
A longtime good employee was caught forging his timesheet. We have terminated others for this policy violation in the past. What do I do?

Mar 7, 2022
Terminating Remote Employees
Terminations involving remote employees function much the same as those in a physical worksite, but there are some things to keep in mind.

Feb 21, 2022
ADA - Job Accommodations
An employee in a job that regularly requires lifting 50 pounds now says they can only lift 25 because of an off-the-job injury. Can we term?