
Apr 10, 2019
Paycheck Scam
A new wire fraud scam targets direct deposit info and sends paychecks to a criminal's account. PLEASE ALERT YOUR PEOPLE and be careful....

Apr 9, 2019
Your Best Employee
Almost every business leader ask us a question about how to handle their best employee. Handling the bad ones is a simple decision....

Apr 4, 2019
Unequal Pay Issues
The pay policy at any company should be consistent so that each job has a compensation philosophy that is fair, compliant and consistent...

Mar 28, 2019
3 Types of HR Philosophies
We are fortunate that each day we get to talk to business owners and business leaders. All the time, whether they know it or not, they...

Mar 23, 2019
Profit, Loss and HR
Think about these three things, especially if your company is not growing as fast as you want it too: 1. Human Resources impacts every...

Mar 9, 2019
Fair Labor Standards- UPDATE
The Federal Department of Labor just released its draft rules on the proposed new minimum annual salary for employees who are exempt from...

Mar 6, 2019
No Winners- Sexual Harassment
For everyone's protection train your people, educate them on company policies, have good procedures that you enforce. FOR GOODNESS SAKE,...

Mar 1, 2019
Selling Your Business
Meet Albert Hakim of Kensignton Company. He is a Certified Merger and Acquisition Advisor. He will be speaking at an event we are hosting...

Feb 11, 2019
401K Audit Requirements
Audit Basics 100+ participants Employers with 100 or more employees who are eligible to participate at the beginning of a year are...

Feb 10, 2019
Executive Compensation
A Function of Philosophy, Budget and Data Often leaders of businesses look at their compensation packages and they realize there is no...