
Feb 25, 2018
Painting and Leadership
My mentor recently asked me a profound question. We were talking about great leaders in companies and what makes a great leader. This...

Feb 18, 2018
Are You Working Towards Freedom? You Need to be!
Every week, I get to speak to many business owners, HR Leaders and trusted advisers about all kinds of topics. Quite frankly, my "job...

Feb 18, 2018
How HR is like Engine Oil: Avoid HR Frustrations with Regular Maintenance.
Recently, a business owner asked us to review his harassment and discrimination policies in his employee handbook. He was concerned with...

Feb 7, 2018
Who Enforces Wage and Hour?
THE DIVISION: The Wage and Hour Division (WHD) of the United States Department of Labor is the federal office responsible for enforcing...

Jan 27, 2018
What the heck is Human Capital Management?
Human Capital Management (HCM) has a broad ranging definition depending on the type of business you work in, and what types of services...