
Mar 18, 2018
#MeToo Prevention
It's in the news again. Everyday it seems we see sexual harassment, or worse, coming to light. It is in the news constantly, and I...

Mar 4, 2018
H.R. Challenges - Outsourcing H.R. as a Solution
20 years ago, almost everyone mowed their own lawn. 30 years ago almost everyone changed the oil on their car. You might remember...

Mar 4, 2018
H.R. Challenges: 100% Easiest Way to Write a Handbook
Recently, a H.R. professional was asking me about the easiest way to write an employee handbook. The question/conversation went something...

Feb 27, 2018
Our Team is Growing- We are Hiring!
Turning Point Human Capital Management (TP HCM), a Fractional Human Resources consulting company which solves the HR problems of business...

Feb 18, 2018
#1 Frustration of HR People
Through out the years, we have worked with hundreds of businesses and their HR teams to support their organizations. When we talk to the...

Feb 11, 2018
Avoid Wage and Hour Claims- At all costs!
Wage and Hour law suits are rising at an alarming rate. Why? We believe it is due to the complexity of the issue; as well as businesses...