
Feb 18, 2018
How HR is like Engine Oil: Avoid HR Frustrations with Regular Maintenance.
Recently, a business owner asked us to review his harassment and discrimination policies in his employee handbook. He was concerned with...

Feb 13, 2018
Are You Compliant? Don't let wage and hour cost you.
Wage and hour law is a large body of law that sets and regulates a variety of wage standards in the United States. This includes laws...

Feb 11, 2018
Our Process- Wage and Hour
Avoiding wage and hour claims is like building a bridge. A great detailed plan needs to be developed, and then followed to a "T". At...

Feb 11, 2018
Avoid Wage and Hour Claims- At all costs!
Wage and Hour law suits are rising at an alarming rate. Why? We believe it is due to the complexity of the issue; as well as businesses...

Feb 4, 2018
HCM Paradise
What does paradise look like? This picture sure does look like paradise to me. How do you build a Human Capital Management (HCM) plan...

Feb 4, 2018
HCM Can Be A Bummer
Why is Human Capital Management (HCM) driving human resource professionals to a point where they feel isolated in their companies and...

Jan 20, 2018
H.R. Risk Assessment Process
We all cook from time to time and it is clear that a process must be followed to get the right outcome. Doing an H.R. Risk Assessment is...

Jan 20, 2018
10 Areas Of H.R. Risk
As a business leader, unknown risks can truly damage your business. Your people, your teams, are the ones that can create those risks,...

Jan 9, 2018
H.R. vs. Recruiting
Round 1: The boss wants the position filled immediately. In the beginning it just about getting a body in the position. However, when the...