
Mar 1, 2019
Selling Your Business
Meet Albert Hakim of Kensignton Company. He is a Certified Merger and Acquisition Advisor. He will be speaking at an event we are hosting...

Feb 11, 2019
401K Audit Requirements
Audit Basics 100+ participants Employers with 100 or more employees who are eligible to participate at the beginning of a year are...

Feb 10, 2019
Executive Compensation
A Function of Philosophy, Budget and Data Often leaders of businesses look at their compensation packages and they realize there is no...

Jan 30, 2019
New HR Services
We have re-branded our website and our suite of services. Click on the picture above to check it out. Thanks for all your support and...

Jan 19, 2019
Skepticism, Reaction, Inertia
These three words can save and improve some situations and in others they can be the cause of tragedy. Unfortunately, when it comes to HR...

Jan 5, 2019
How to Get D.O.L.
The Department of Labor has a 2019 total budget of $39.6 billion and 15,765 employees*. They have more resources to oversee...

Nov 11, 2018
Next Level Sexual Harassment Training
Give Your People The Tools to Prevent Harassment You have done the traditional Sexual Harassment with your team, you have updated...

Oct 28, 2018
Good Employees are Hard To Find
The labor market is tightening and if you read the financial news we are basically at full employment. This means it will be harder for...

Oct 21, 2018
HR People and Technology
Great businesses are powered by great people. Awesome businesses combine people and technology. Think of your HR systems as that...

Oct 14, 2018
False Sexual Harassment Allegations
Suppose one or a few of your employees made a claim against a co-worker. The claims seem so real, so credible and so devastating that you...