
Apr 15, 2018
H.R. Crisis: Sound the Alarm!
Business owners are nearly always dealing with a crisis, or "in a crisis" of some sort. That's a bold statement- I know. So, let's look...

Mar 25, 2018
Evaluate Risk
The risks of an action by the government or an employee grow each day. Just by operating your business and making day to day decisions,...

Mar 25, 2018
Insurance Protection
Business leaders make important decisions each day; it is just part of what we do. From hiring new people, to assigning them new roles...

Mar 18, 2018
#MeToo Prevention
It's in the news again. Everyday it seems we see sexual harassment, or worse, coming to light. It is in the news constantly, and I...

Mar 18, 2018
H.R. Turnover
I was talking to a seasoned H.R. professional this past week. She was telling about her career over the past few decades and how it...

Mar 18, 2018
I am privileged to speak to so many business leaders from all types of business and all types of positions. Those conversations all seem...

Mar 12, 2018
5 H.R. "Unforced Errors"
Small businesses leaders (defined here as leaders of businesses with 500 employees or less) are making the same unforced errors over and...

Mar 12, 2018
Hire To Retire
This past week, I was speaking to a business owner. She told me the story of her life. She and her husband started their business more...

Mar 10, 2018
Compensation Studies: Rumored to be a Pain... but Do they Have to Be?
Compensation Studies are rumored to be a pain in the neck for everyone involved. Think about the biggest expense in any business, think...

Mar 4, 2018
H.R. Challenges - Outsourcing H.R. as a Solution
20 years ago, almost everyone mowed their own lawn. 30 years ago almost everyone changed the oil on their car. You might remember...