
Feb 4, 2018
HCM Paradise
What does paradise look like? This picture sure does look like paradise to me. How do you build a Human Capital Management (HCM) plan...

Feb 4, 2018
HCM Can Be A Bummer
Why is Human Capital Management (HCM) driving human resource professionals to a point where they feel isolated in their companies and...

Jan 27, 2018
What the heck is Human Capital Management?
Human Capital Management (HCM) has a broad ranging definition depending on the type of business you work in, and what types of services...

Jan 27, 2018
Easiest Employee Handbook
Nike, the apparel company, has a great tag line. We all know it, so I will give you 3 seconds to say it to yourself. You got it, "Just Do...

Jan 27, 2018
H.R. is Drinking From a Fire Hose
In any organization, it is easy to place blame on someone when something goes wrong. When something goes wrong in H.R. however, the blame...

Jan 20, 2018
A Risky Employee Handbook
Eliminating stress and risk from your work environment can be a difficult thing to do. Most of the stress and risk comes from co-workers...

Jan 20, 2018
H.R. Risk Assessment Process
We all cook from time to time and it is clear that a process must be followed to get the right outcome. Doing an H.R. Risk Assessment is...

Jan 10, 2018
Assess Your H.R. Risk
There are a million different risks when it comes to H.R. and business. However, there never seems to be any time to proactively diagnose...

Jan 9, 2018
Find Great Employees
Look at any of the business web sites or business news channels and they are all saying the same thing. Business leaders and HR are...

Jan 9, 2018
H.R. vs. Recruiting
Round 1: The boss wants the position filled immediately. In the beginning it just about getting a body in the position. However, when the...