
Oct 24, 2022
Can we make a policy that employees who quit without notice won’t get their final paycheck?
Can employers make a policy that employees who quit without notice won’t get their final paycheck?

Oct 10, 2022
Suspicious emails "from" employees - PHISHING???
You’ve received suspicious emails that appear to be from employees asking to change their direct deposit information. What should you do?

Oct 3, 2022
Changing employee status from exempt to nonexempt?
An employer would like to reclassify an employee from exempt to nonexempt status. Is it okay to do this? What do we need to do?

Sep 26, 2022
How detailed do employers have to be when called for reference checks?
If we get called for a reference, can we just verify the former employee’s dates of employment?

Sep 19, 2022
Do we have to get permission to run a background check?
Do we have to get permission to run a background check?

Sep 14, 2022
Do you have an employee refusing to sign your handbook?
Do you have an employee refusing to sign your updated handbook? This does not mean that they are exempt from its contents.

Sep 12, 2022
Can employers provide feedback on clothing?
Can employers provide feedback on a potential hire’s or current employee's clothing?

Sep 6, 2022
Can employers require applicants to have a high school diploma?
Can employers require applicants to have a high school diploma?

Sep 1, 2022
Do companies need to start offering "hangover leave"?
Do you think employee retention would increase with perks like "hangover leave" or "social media scrolling" days?

May 2, 2022
Reference Checks for All?
Can we do reference checks for only certain roles?