
Nov 11, 2018
Next Level Sexual Harassment Training
Give Your People The Tools to Prevent Harassment You have done the traditional Sexual Harassment with your team, you have updated...

Oct 28, 2018
Good Employees are Hard To Find
The labor market is tightening and if you read the financial news we are basically at full employment. This means it will be harder for...

Oct 21, 2018
HR People and Technology
Great businesses are powered by great people. Awesome businesses combine people and technology. Think of your HR systems as that...

Oct 14, 2018
False Sexual Harassment Allegations
Suppose one or a few of your employees made a claim against a co-worker. The claims seem so real, so credible and so devastating that you...

Oct 9, 2018
#MeToo and Your Business
Allegations of sexual misconduct against politicians, celebrities and other public figures have become increasingly common in recent...

Sep 23, 2018
Succession Planning- HR STYLE
From one generation to the next, your business may be biggest asset to either pass on or sell for maximum value. It is the future. Here...

Sep 4, 2018
Workforce Management
We would like to introduce to you our Workforce Management Platform. This is an integrated system that captures the “Life Cycle” of your...

Aug 22, 2018
A Massage Went Wrong
There has been some breaking news on a national massage chain and Sexual Misconduct accusations against some employees. Think about the...

Aug 18, 2018
Race Car...No Driver (HR)
Suppose you spent a ton of money on a race car and there was no one willing or able to drive it! You would be stuck with an expensive...

Aug 15, 2018
1099 Independent Contractor
There is a rise in actions against companies when it comes to 1099 Independent Contractor classification. Simply the government wants the...