
Mar 10, 2018
Compensation Studies: Rumored to be a Pain... but Do they Have to Be?
Compensation Studies are rumored to be a pain in the neck for everyone involved. Think about the biggest expense in any business, think...

Mar 4, 2018
H.R. Challenges - Outsourcing H.R. as a Solution
20 years ago, almost everyone mowed their own lawn. 30 years ago almost everyone changed the oil on their car. You might remember...

Mar 4, 2018
H.R. Challenges: 100% Easiest Way to Write a Handbook
Recently, a H.R. professional was asking me about the easiest way to write an employee handbook. The question/conversation went something...

Mar 4, 2018
HR Challenges: How "Rented Hands" Can Help
This past week, I was talking to an H.R. leader for a $40,000,000 company. This person was talking about the make up of their team. As...

Feb 27, 2018
Our Team is Growing- We are Hiring!
Turning Point Human Capital Management (TP HCM), a Fractional Human Resources consulting company which solves the HR problems of business...

Feb 25, 2018
Generosity in Leadership - Avoiding a possible H.R. Crisis?
Most businesses are always “in a crisis”. Usually the crisis is known, like sales issues or operations issues for instance. Sometimes,...

Feb 25, 2018
The Music of Great H.R. Leadership
The other day I was "shootin' the breeze", as they say, with an HR leader about a variety of topics. Our conversation then took a...

Feb 25, 2018
Painting and Leadership
My mentor recently asked me a profound question. We were talking about great leaders in companies and what makes a great leader. This...

Feb 18, 2018
Are You Working Towards Freedom? You Need to be!
Every week, I get to speak to many business owners, HR Leaders and trusted advisers about all kinds of topics. Quite frankly, my "job...

Feb 18, 2018
How HR is like Engine Oil: Avoid HR Frustrations with Regular Maintenance.
Recently, a business owner asked us to review his harassment and discrimination policies in his employee handbook. He was concerned with...